ESR 2 - Yvonne Lasarzewski
The role of paraplegin in mitochondrial gene expression
A scientist in his laboratory is not a mere technician: he is also a child confronting natural phenomena that impress him as though they were fairy tales. - Marie Curie
I studied Molecular Mechanisms of Disease at Radboud University in the Netherlands. During the course I developed a strong interest in mitochondrial biology and followed several classes on that topic. I performed both of my research internships in this field and wrote my master thesis about mitochondrial genome editing using mitoTALENs.
Joining the REMIX ITN is therefore an excellent opportunity for me to continue with studying the role of mitochondria and in particular the role of mitochondrial gene expression in disease. I am excited to work in a multidisciplinary and international network and looking forward to the next three years.

AG Langer, Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing
50931 Cologne, Germany
Telephone +49 (0)221 37970 520
E-mail yvonne.lasarzewski(at)