ESR 12 - Alisa Potter
Nucleoid associated proteins and their function
I was studying Biotechnology in St. Petersburg, Russia. My academic interests were focused on Molecular Biology, I took extra courses and attended schools in this field. My Master’s thesis was about recombinant protein technologies for antibody developing. After graduation I worked at a Biotech start-up, based on medical centre for children’s hematology.
Joining REMIX for me is a great chance to develop my career in a science field I am inspired by, and to learn from leading scientists. I hope that years of my PhD studies will be fruitful, and my contribution to the investigation of nucleoid-associated proteins will lead us to a better understanding of mtDNA maintenance.

AG Spelbrink, Radboud Center for Mitochondrial Medicine, Radboud University Medical Centre
Geert Grooteplein-Zuid 10
6525 GA, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
E-mail Alisa.Potter(at)