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MitoFit Coaching Days


The next Remix Spezialized Course takes place on 10-12 December, 2018 in Innsbruck, Austria.

The MitoFit Coaching Days - Basic provide a fundamental introduction to High-Resolution FluoRespirometry with the Oroboros O2k. Hands-on sessions range from OroboPOS technical service to respirometry experiments with substrate-uncoupler-inhibitor (SUIT) protocols.

Early stage researchers from Remix and TRANSMIT will be trained at the O2k-Workshop on High-Resolution FluoRespirometry.

Information on travel and venue: IOC Innsbruck.

Further information on programme and participants:

Please note: Remix fellows will benefit from a 50% discount on the regular registration fee (regular: 990 Euro; Remix: 495 Euro) until 26 October 2018.